
Friday, April 5, 2013

What I'm Loving

A couple of weeks ago, I showed you a couple things that I was currently loving via Pinterest. I see Pinterest not as "oh my goodness, my house is so trashy compared to those houses" or "why can't my hair look as awesome and put together as hers", but more as inspiration. Because let's be honest here. Her hair can't look that perfect all the time and you are only seeing one side of a room.

I have taken so many different ideas and incorporated them into my own home, while putting my twist on those ideas. I love Pinterest for that reason. Inspiration. Be inspired! Try that new recipe! Give that hairstyle a go. Print off some pretty art and hang it on your wall.

That being said, here are some of the things that I'm loving this week. 

Old canvases from the thrift store are made fresh with a little chalkboard paint. I love that she gave it a twist by painting the backside of the canvas. I'm thinking that these would be lovely in our bedroom.

With the days starting to get warmer, I have been turning my thoughts to outside and the major work that needs to be done to the front of our house. The past few summers I have been either pregnant or just had a baby, so I haven't done much besides throwing down black mulch and calling it a day. This summer I really want to paint our front door (it needs it desperately), work on the front porch and give our house some nice curb appeal. I love this friendly yellow door and the little planter.

I made this last Thursday night for supper...and they were so good. Gavin even enjoyed them (though he didn't eat the black beans). I will be making these again!

Every Friday, I sit down with the grocery flyers and Pinterest and plan out our meals for the next week. I always price match at our grocery store and have saved a lot of $$$ because of it. I usually type out our menu and grocery list on my iPad or iPhone, but I love this free printable because I can hang it on the fridge for the rest of the week. This is exactly the way I plan out our meals too, so it's perfect.

What are you loving lately? Share the link in the comments! 

One more thing that we would love, is if you would swing by our Facebook page and "like" us and then you won't ever have to miss a new post! :) 

Happy weekend! 


  1. ooooh THANK YOU - I can't wait to try those veg enchiladas and I've been looking for a menu planner like that. Woo hoo!! Thanks!

    Also - LOVE that yellow door, but especially love the house # on front - cute!

    1. Amber, the enchiladas are seriously yummy! You'll love them. And the numbers on the door make me smile too!

  2. What a cute printable! I'm going to feature your adorable bookshelves on my blog tomorrow morning. I hope you can check it out :)

    1. It's a pretty cool printable! Hopefully it will keep me organized :) Thanks for highlighting my bookshelves!


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