
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

{this and that} and a spring mantle

I'm back! I did not mean to take that long of a break from blogging. This past week (and a few days) seemed to fly by with housework, playdates with friends, working (I am still working from home part time) and spending time with my two little boys!

We celebrated Easter with my family after church on Sunday. It was Gavin's first Easter egg hunt and even though the cold wind was whipping around, he pulled in a nice stash that I we have been happily eating.
We had some fun with masks...
and the guys (and our one sister) played their favourite game, Spikeball, while my brother watched the little kiddos.
So it has been a good break, but I am happy to get back to blogging!

One thing I did accomplish during all that busyness was update our fireplace mantle with some spring touches.
Last year at this time we were living in t-shirts and flip flops. I clearly remember Faith and I taking Gavin and Claire to the park where they sat on the grass with their little bare feet showing. This year...not so much. Today and yesterday it snowed. Nothing that really stuck to the ground. But still. Snow. So I am enjoying the bright yellow *fake* flowers in my old pitcher and little white ceramic birdie to remind me that spring is actually on it's way.
What is it about flowers, even if they are fake, that can make a home so much more friendlier?

Happy Wednesday. :)


  1. at least it can feel like spring inside even if the weather isn't showing it (it's the same down here in Maryland, USA!)... love your family photos. Glad you had a nice EAster!

  2. You got it Amber! Spring inside even though it snows outside...Come on spring! :D H


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