
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Princesses and Tutus

As many of you know, I have two adorable little girls. One is four months old and the other is almost two. With all this estrogen in the house, you'd think that we'd have tea parties and play princesses all day long, but my older girl is more interested in cars, animals and especially hockey than being girlie. I'm fine with this because she is definitely a daddy's girl, but sometimes its nice to play tea party. That being said, I was looking through my new Oliver + S book (I love it. If you can, get it!)

Oliver + S Little Things to Sew 
I saw the tutu on the front and thought it would be perfect for my little girl. We don't have very good fabric stores in my city, so I ordered my fabric online from (the same place I ordered my ruffle fabric for my holiday dresses). I used three different colours for the skirt: lemon yellow, peach and tangerine. I love how it make the skirt look more layered. I started the project at 8:30pm and finished it at 9:30pm. I would've been faster but I remembered I needed to bring our garbage bags down to the road. It would definitely be a great first-time sewing project. Not intimidating at all!

She got to try it on this morning and she loved being a "pinsa" in her tutu. We'll see how long that lasts for! I didn't get very many pictures of her in it but here's one that actually turned out ok (as you can see it doesn't have her face in it!).

I love how it ties up with ribbon and the different colours can show through. It's also reversible!

If you'd like to buy one for your little girl, please check out my Facebook page and select your colours.

MGL Handmade on Facebook

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