
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Navy Stripes Galore

Since it's still -10 around these parts, I'm still in the mood to knit and crochet. Usually around May, I get out of it and start doing more sewing instead but it's too stinkin' cold. I did see a robin today though.. maybe spring will come!

I haven't finished any other big or small renovations on my house lately. The most I've been trying to do is get my kids to sleep, stay on top of the dishes, and maybe finish a few presents I've been working on.

This is my latest project:

Baby blankets are the easiest thing in the world to knit or crochet and because they're so small, they don't take much time and are perfect for my short attention span.

I decided to keep it simple and make the whole thing in navy and cream and I love how it turned out. I used a stitch called the woven stitch. It's perfect if you're just learning how to crochet because it only uses a single crochet and a chain stitch.

If you want to make one of your own follow these directions here. They're pretty easy to follow!

Any good plans for the weekend? I'm hoping to catch up on a bit of sleep, see my hubby for a bit, get together with some friends for some fun and hopefully get out to enjoy some sun!
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  1. adorable!! I wish I were more talented. I'd love to knit or crochet.. or.. something!

  2. I love your blanket! Can you tell me how wide and long you made it? How many rows of navy and how many of white? Thank you!


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