
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Fun Playroom {In Progress}

(If you are a regular reader, you aren't going crazy. We're doing a little spring decorating over here on our little blog. Thanks for being patient as we "tweak" things here and there!)

I might have a problem with decorating. Okay, maybe not a problem. But I never seem to finish a project. Things in our home are always changing; things are moving here and there. Nothing stays the same.

That is why I am welcoming you today to step inside our new playroom, aka, the old craft room!
Yes. I changed my mind and decided to turn the craft room into a playroom for Gavin and eventually, Cameron too. Why you might ask?

Well. I never seemed to actually do any crafting in this room. I had everything set up nicely (for the most part), but I would haul my supplies out to the table and craft out where I was with Jesse and Gavin. I didn't like to be alone in that room.

I still have all my supplies in this room (as you can see on the yellow dresser), but now Gavin has his own area where he can play and be creative.
To spark some of that creativity in Gavin, I decided to make one wall a full chalkboard wall. He loves it! I was somewhat nervous about making a whole wall black, especially since I am more the light and bright type of person, but I like it!

I hung up a few empty white frames just to break up the total darkness of the wall. 
I gathered all of the children's books in our house and put them on the bookcase (from IKEA) along with my collection of Bobbsey Twin books (has anybody ever read them??) and Nancy Drew books, passed down to me from my mom. Toys and blocks went into two containers on the bottom shelf for Gavin to access them easily.

On the other side of the room, sits a futon, perfect for overnight guests and reading books. I do have a bit more work to do in this room, as you can see in this corner.
For now though, I love that Gavin has his own place to play, read, and create. Some toys do make their way out into the living room during the day, but he is very good to help clean up before bed.

Here's my list of things I still want to do:
  • Find a rug 
  • Make a window treatment
  • Make and hang kid friendly art 
  • Hang something to display Gavin's pictures (which are beautiful scribbles) 
  • Recover more pillows for the futon (it's not very comfortable to sit on) 
 I realize that I haven't shown you the kids' room (it's not finished) or the coat closet (it's also not finished). Let's just say I'm keeping you in suspense...I'll finish them soon someday.

(If you want to see some of my ideas that I have been pinning for the playroom, click here.) 

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