
Friday, January 11, 2013

Shared Room Progress

Like I promised, I have a few pictures to show you the progress that I've been doing in the kids' bedroom. Not a lot of progress, equals two pictures. But hey! Progress is progress considering I've been finally fighting the cold that has been floating around this area. *blech* 

I found the cutest free printables from The Handmade Home. When I decorated the room for Gavin, I had a theme of owls. It was really cute, but I didn't want to have a theme this time around. More like an electic mish mash of cuteness. Or is that a theme?
Over the change table, I hung up a round plastic mirror that was stored in a closet and hung up two rustic meets metal shelves. Right now some of Gavin's memorabilia are resting on the shelves, but eventually I'll get some other things up there. 
I also would like to try my hand at making a simple mobile for above the changing area. Melody made a beautiful one for Gavin before he was born, which I hung over his crib, but unfortunately, once Gavin started standing up, he would pull on it and now the mobile looks like it has gone through the war. I'll be saving some of the parts of the mobile and hopefully using them on his side of the room though. 

Hopefully once this sickness is booted out of this house, I'll be able to round up some of that "nesting instinct" and keep on decorating the room. 

Until then, Happy Weekend! 

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