
Friday, October 5, 2012

{Happy Thankgiving}

It is the beginning of thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. Naturally my thoughts go toward being thankful and being aware of Who gives me those reasons to be thankful.

God has blessed me with an amazing husband and friend, who is an awesome daddy.
God has given me a beautiful little boy, who fills my life with laughter, frustration, joy, lots of running and continually answering the question, "what's that?" 
God has given me another blessing who is growing healthy and strong. 
Even though my week may not go the way I think it should go, or I don't have the amount of money in my bank account that I think should be there, I stop and look around at the blessings God has given me, and I am thankful. 
Take some time this weekend out of the busyness of baking, cleaning, and getting together with family (no matter how crazy your family may be) and be thankful.

~ Happy Thanksgiving ~

 P.S. Because we are thankful for you, we have a giveaway for this super snuggly cowl that Melody made (seriously, how does she do it!?).

There are a three ways you can enter and a few rules to follow:
  • Enter by "liking" us on Facebook and leave a comment. If you already follow us, post about it on Facebook or Twitter for an extra entry and leave a comment telling us that you did that too. A bonus entry is following us via Google Plus or RSS feed.
  • To enter you must have a valid email address
  • The contest will end next Wednesday, October 10th at 12pm EST. 
Good luck! 


  1. adorable family!!! CONGRATS on blessing #2 - when does he/she arrive? Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you Amber! He or she (we don't find out) will arrive near the middle/end of February!

  2. Liked on FB. Fun site!


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