
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Clean Up the House

If you think that this post is going to be about the ten best tips for keeping your house clean, you'd be wrong. When my sisters come over to my house, they usually don't comment on the fact that my house is clean they usually say "Oh! You've cleaned!" like I only do it once a year or something.


Now that being said, I try to vacuum or sweep my floors twice a day, load and unload the dishwasher as soon as possible, and make sure that food gets put away, but I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the best with any of the other stuff. I eagerly read all of those "Clean House" tips in search of what will make me a better homemaker but so far, they seem best suited for single people with no kids and no pets. I also don't want to spend a bajillion hours all my time cleaning my house.

So, any good tips out there for a mom with two kids who also tends to work, do school and travel quite a bit? What works the best for you?


  1. i get my husband to do it ;) hahaha jk, im the same as you, i think the last time i mopped was......wait a second?? I didnt hahahahah plus my boys have fun at your house anyways because of the cute girls! hehe

    1. Haha! If Seth were home, I doubt he would clean anyways. But yes, you are invited any time you want!

  2. What about a cleaning schedule? I am horrible at keeping a clean house, but I try. I try to get food away, dishes done right away, one load of laundry washed/dried/folded/away at least once a day--but everything seems to collect--dust, papers etc etc. There is a schedule I saw on Pinterest where you do major stuff on a daily rotation and then to 10 minute clean spurts X2 a day on problem spots (Ie: Dining room table and/or bathroom)
    I just found this yesterday, so I haven't started yet. The link is here:

    More detail here:
    She's on pinterest also

    1. That one might actually work for me! I'll have to check it out. Thanks Ann-Marie!

  3. I kind of clean as I go. I try to keep things clean so I don't have to have the "cleaning day" I'm not great with scheduling my home time, probably because I have to keep my job so scheduled. My house gets messy and I can handle that, but I hate it getting dirty. Everyday I try to do some cleaning job, even if it just a small. That way we all can tidy up in a few minutes and the house will be in pretty good shape. You know, I know most women like to have a tidy house but that may mean something different to everyone. So we don't all have to do it the same way. Do whatever works for you. There will come a day when all your kids are gone and you may miss the days of messy entryways and fingerprints everywhere.

    1. Thanks for the advice Dana :) I'm sure I will miss the fingerprints and messiness of it someday. If I were home more, I would love to be able to just "tidy as I go" but with being gone so often, it gets difficult. When I'm home, I don't feel like spending all my time cleaning majorly. I'm going to try a schedule and I'll let you know how it goes!


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