
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cloth Napkins: Not Just for Wiping Your Mouth

I was in Home Sense (which is equivalent, I believe, to Home Goods in the States) a while back just perusing the store. It's not very often that I actually buy something from there, even though the prices are quite reasonable. I never find that I really need anything though - which is the truth. 


I saw these cloth napkins and I loved the fabric design and the colours. 
Then I picked up them up and looked closer at the price tag and I loved that too. 
$5.99 and that was for four cloth napkins. I had been seeing around the blog land lots of tutorials for making pillows out of cloth napkins, so I knew that's what I would use them for. A cheap and easy way to update some boring pillows on our living room couches. 

Now, I don't have a step-by-step photo display for you on how I made them into pillows. I'm not much of a all. However I do believe in a little product called, Heat n Bond. If you don't know how to sew, but you want to make some pillows up quick, look for this in your fabric or craft store. (And no, I'm not getting paid by the the Heat n Bond people. They don't even know I exist. I just love the stuff.)

It's my sewing machine. 

I chose fabric for the backs of the pillows that complimented the colours on the front. I went neutral because there was a lot of pattern going on the front of the pillows. 
And after everything was completed, (which didn't take too long) I had two new pillows! 

(Yes, those are Cheerios on the coffee table. They are a staple around here.) 

Here's a link to a post by Centsational Girl when she whipped up a pair of cloth napkin pillows herself. She gives step by step instructions, because she's better at that than I am. 

So that's how I updated some boring pillows in my living room with cloth napkins. And I still have two more leftover for another project! 

Have you ever made no sew pillows? Anyone else use the fusible web stuff to 'sew' their pillows? 


  1. I've never owned my own sewing machine - used to borrow my MIL's when the kids were little - but I love this idea for pillows! Thanks for the tip on the Heat N Bond tape. I might just have a go at this....

  2. Love them and love how you "sew"! No one would ever know you didn't spend a fortune on those premade instead of turning napkins into pillows without a machine!


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