
Monday, July 9, 2012

The Bathroom List

I am happy to say that I have another thing crossed off my "Bathroom List". Over the weekend, we bought a kit to remove rusted screws. Yes, my toilet seat was rusted to the toilet. Can I get a "that's disgusting!"? At some point, someone who lived in this house thought that it would be a fantastic idea to put a wooden seat on the toilet. It's not.

Seth did all the work removing the old toilet seat so I didn't get to see the whole process. I do know that it was a bit messy because of the bits of metal and that it's not too difficult. I probably could have figured it out.

But now, it's beautiful and clean and white.

So here is my list for the bathroom:

- paint walls and trim
- get new art work for the walls
- paint the mirror
- replace the toilet seat
- install new light fixtures
- paint the cabinetry
- install tile flooring

I'm still a long way off from it being completely done, but it's satisfying to see my list get smaller and smaller.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and that this post didn't gross you out too much ;) 

Did anyone try Heidi's salad nicoise recipe? It is absolutely delicious and so easy!


  1. This totally cracks me up because when Jo was 10 (I think?) and we were moving, the one thing on her wishlist was a toilet with a wooden seat... and God provided ;) Not sure she'd request the same thing today!! :)

    1. This made me laugh so hard! If you're talking to her, let her know that I have a wooden toilet seat if she wants one ;)


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