
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Happy 'May Long'!

If you live in Canada, 

Happy Victoria (or 'May Long') weekend! 

Grab an old quilt and read a book or have a picnic! 
Maybe do a little gardening...
Or at least enjoy a drink of cool ice tea on your porch (if you're one of the lucky ones who has a porch!).
Maybe you are planning on having a campfire with some friends. That's our plan! Melody and Seth have a huge pile of wood from their old deck that needs burning, so we're planning on getting some marshmallows and hot dogs and making a party out of it! 

Whatever you choose to do with this long weekend, try to get outside and enjoy the gorgeous weather with family and friends! 

Happy weekend! 


  1. I want a long weekend... ::insert whining here:: Hope yours is great!


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