
Monday, March 19, 2012

The Light At the End Of the Tunnel

Ever since I posted in December about my basement flooding (you can read about it here), I've been waiting and waiting to get my home office finished. My husband is away a lot for work and unfortunately, my office kept getting further and further down on the list. Thankfully, this past weekend, my sweet husband got a few more things done in my office and now I can finally decorate it! I'm not done yet, so I can't post pictures of that, but I can show you some beautiful little chairs that I snatched up at a second time around store today.

I also found a little bamboo tray at Canadian Tire (love that place!) that will be perfect for holding objects on my desk.

So poll, should I redo these chairs or just clean them up and leave them the way they are? Thoughts anyone?


  1. Can you change just the fabric on the seat? The wood looks pretty and like it's in good condition from your photo.

    1. I thought about changing the seat but I think I'll just leave it for now. The seats are actually very good quality leather! Who knows, I might decide I hate them in a month and change them again :)


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