
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Easter Centerpiece

I usually don't do much decorating for Easter. This year though I made an Easter centerpiece for our table. Easter marks one of the most important moments in Christianity - everything that we believe in is centered around Easter. So why wouldn't I want to have something Eastery (real word even though there are red squiggly lines underneath it) in our home? 

(Psst. If you love those pictures as much as I do, please go to their website to pin them. We don't want to take credit for those lovely centerpieces!) 
When I saw these pictures, I knew instantly that I wanted to do a similar effect with branches and eggs for our centerpiece. Eggs symbolize new life, which is what Easter is all about, so I knew that it would be an awesome reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. 

I went to our backyard, picked up two branches and put them in one of my pitchers with pine cones around the bases of the branches to keep them from falling over. I placed a little bit of burlap on the top to cover the pine cones. 

Now, I didn't use real eggs for this project. Too be honest, I don't really have the time to blow out the egg yolk, dye the eggs, let them dry overnight and then hang them up. Someday I really want to dye eggs, but this time I used styrofoam eggs that I had leftover from another project that I did last year.

I painted them a few different colours, let them dry and then wrapped string around them like a present. I hot glued the string in place, tied a knot around the string and hung them up on the branches. 

The nice thing about using styrofoam eggs is that if they fall, I don't have to worry about broken shells everywhere. 

So there you have it. A simple centerpiece, that is cheerful, easy to make, and reminds us about the new life that we have through Jesus. 

Have you been making any Eastery centerpieces this year? Anybody else use styrofoam eggs instead of real ones? 

 (P.s. My coral spray painted vase and candlestick were featured over at home happy home blog yesterday! Crazy! Go check out Amy's blog for her Whimsy Wednesday link up party that is happening today (and every Wednesday).)


Leave us a comment below! We'd love to know what you think. :)