
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Boredom Busters

Apparently March is coming in like a lion. I woke up this morning to see snow and ice rain coming down hard. On top of everything, both of my girls seem to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed and I have only had one cup of coffee so far today. So while drinking my first cup, I put together a list of things to do today that wouldn't involve me trying to entertain my two year old while trying to pacify my other little girly for the whole day. Here are some of my favourite pins that are great boredom busters for kids (not just toddlers!):

(Please remember that if you would like to pin anything, go to the original source. We want to give the original websites all the credit.)

Hope everyone is having a wonderful March 1st! 

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  1. Love these!!! I miss those days :(, my younges is 9 and the oldest will be 24!! Enjoy these days, they go in the blink of an eye!!

    1. Thanks Noelle! Hopefully she likes them.. I think I'm going to try the monster feet next!

  2. aww I love snow!
    Too bad it doesn't snow in Greece.
    amazing post :)

    1. Well the snow is beautiful, but unfortunately we had so much of it that it pulled the rain gutter off our house! Oh well, I'm sure that Greece must be lovely right now :)

  3. I am with you n the snow. I am ready for srping to arrive! I will be making those finger puppetts for sure! So cute!


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