
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Organizing the Junk Drawer

Happy Valentines Day! I hope all our readers enjoy this special day, and hopefully are being reminded that they are loved! 

Now, down to business. I know you have a junk drawer, everyone does. Even if you don't consider what you put in the drawer to be "junk", it ends up falling into that category automatically when you place it in there. 

I will admit to having a junk drawer too. I usually keep this drawer the most organized out of all the drawers in my kitchen. I don't know if its because I don't let a lot of people open it and dump stuff in, or if the person I know who will shove the stuff in it is my husband so he is almost forbidden to open the drawer. We are like everyone else who's junk drawer contains popped off buttons, coins, erasers, mints, batteries, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I could mention but we would be here all day. So I will just show you what my drawer looks like!

The drawer is not super impressive looking, with fancy containers or mini wicker baskets, and I didn't want it to be. This is not a showpiece. This is a junk drawer for my family. This is where I store the items that might not fit somewhere else in our home. 

The junk drawer is very simple to organize. First I like to group similar items together, and place them in one separate container by themselves. Then I move from piece to piece and locate an area where they are best suited. Obviously this does not look perfect, but this is how I stay organized. If you like to use labels to help you or the rest of the family remember where the pencils go, then print some out. Or if you prefer, you could use plastic snap lid containers to hold the different items. However you organize your junk drawer, and whatever your drawer holds, make sure that it works for you and your household to maneuver around. 

Hope this inspires some of you to organize even the disorganized places in your home and turn them into beautiful spaces! 


  1. um - IMPRESSIVE! I, too, (of course) have a junk drawer, but it looks far more junky. It's on my to do list!

  2. Wow, now I would not group this into the "junk drawer" category, you've done a great job of keeping it concise. Where did you get those plastic containers? Absolutely perfect!

    Mommy Sauri~


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