
Monday, November 28, 2011

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Ok, well it's not really looking like Christmas, more like a soggy November day. BUT, this year, I've started on all my Christmas things early so that I'm not running around like crazy in the last few weeks trying to finish everything.

One of my ideas for presents for the grandparents, were salt dough ornaments. I love looking through all of my ornaments from when I was little and all the handmade ones are so cute!

                                                                              Source: via Melody on Pinterest

Today I decided to try making them with Bella since Sienna was down for a nap and I would only have one child to look after for a little bit. Anything like play dough is great for kids... unless your child is the only toddler in the world who hates to get her hands dirty. She outright refused to touch the dough and had big fat tears coming down until I bribed offered her some chocolate chips. Beyond that, the whole process is rather easy and my ornaments are in the oven drying as we speak. Once they're dry, I'm planning on lightly sanding all of the rough edges off and perhaps applying some white paint to them to pretty them up a bit. I also made a few small hearts and stars for different garlands and I'll probably spray paint those a metallic silver/gold. We shall see!

(don't you wish you could still wear flowered pants and pull it off? haha!)

Have you started on your Christmas decorating/presents yet? What have you gotten done? Any projects you'd like to share? We'd love to hear about them!


  1. I bought one decoration while out shopping this weekend and actually PUT IT UP when I got home -- ha! Nothing else is really done but I did buy supplies to do the button tree canvas that has been popping up everywhere. . .soggy here too. Maybe the snow forecasted later this week will make me move a little faster?

  2. @jennibellThe one thing that I've put up so far is a wreath that Faith made for me. It looks great! I'm hoping that the snow gets me moving a little bit more too! Happy December 1st!


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